Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Living Life

Life in the life of a writer. Always a question that's being asked. You've got your answer right here. 

   My life has it's ups and downs. Opportunities and disappointments. Yes's and No's. You get the idea. But, I know 100 percent that I love living life. No matter if It's good or bad. We all know it's part of life. I know we all live life how we want it to be lived.

   I for one, think life is great! The reason why I love life is because of my Nerophobia. For any of  you who don't know what Nerophobia is, it's the fear of death. Of course that's why I love life.

Anyway, you get the basic picture.

Live life the way you want it to be lived.

Monday, December 28, 2015

My Dreaded Dream Vacation

Lately I have been thinking about my dream vacation. What would it be? The beach, just a hotel? Several people have asked me this question and to be honest I never thought this would be asked. But, my dream vacation would probably be somewhere with a beach. For example Florida or California.

 Then we come to the topic of why my dream vacation would be dreadful. Well, we come to a whole new topic. Why it would be dreadful is because, planes. I have a fear when it comes to planes. It always is the simple phrase, "What if". Now, I have heard too many people tell me that this is quite an absurd phrase to use. But, I guess you could say I am a bit of a "Worry Wart" sometimes. (A.K.A all the time).

 In conclusion, I have learned to enjoy life just the way it is. Life is never a dull moment.

Live. Life. Awesome. Always.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Holiday Havoc

The holidays. Everyone is running around buying presents and anything they can get before the "Good gifts" run out. Everyone knows (or at least should know) that the holidays are NOT about the presents. It is about enjoying each other's company and spending quality time together. Yes, the presents are part of it, but 25 percent of the whole holiday. I beleive "Santa Claus" is geting in the way of the holiday Christmas. Children beleive that "Santa Claus" is the best person in the world. Not knowing that your parents deserve all the credit. Also, parents go all out trying to impress their children. It's not all about the money. You don't need to spend a million dollors on just one holiday. Furthermore, parents have their children beleiving in all sorts of things. For one, "Leprecauhns". Seriously, going around your house and destroying stuff to make your children happy, I don't think so. Same with Easter. That's a holiday to basiclly give your children a bunch of candy. In conclusion, holidays can be very messed up some times. THE END. Oh and one more thing watch this AWESOME video:


Sunday, November 29, 2015

Thanksgiving Though, Underestimated

Thanksgiving. A time where people come together in thanks. I for one make a fool of myself on Thanksgiving. I can't cook. Which pretty much covers everything. Anywho, I do have several family members who can cook. Which makes that even. This is how most kids think Thanksgiving is:

So ya. Kids who are actully smart; know a lot more of what Thanksgiving is about. Do any of you think this would be a good essay topic? Here is the real definition of Thanksgiving: "Thanksgiving is a tradition people have had for sevaral years. Everone comes together and remembers what they are thankful for." Isn't that nice. So now you understand... Yay! That's a RAP.

Friday, November 13, 2015

In the World of a Writer

Again... I'm sorry I haven't blogged in a very long time. In the school year, it gets a bit hectic around here. Blogging is something that usually has to wait. But, I am very glad to be writing today. So, as most of you know, I made GT. (Gifted and Talented) I am very lucky that I get to be challenged in something I'm good at. Blogging is something that I do to keep my writing talent.

 I am going to switch gears here and tell you about something else. As most of you know, I'm not the most active person in the world, so, I want to get in to hiking! Possibly working my way up to an all day hike. So, for Christmas, to achieve my goal, I'm going to ask for hiking boots. I am very excited about that. Anyway, that's a short summary about what's going on with me these days.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Weird Day Everyday

Another day of interesting happenings. I recently got a message from the Longmont Police department calling for someone named "William". The call said, they had a message for William. So, I don't know why they called me. My parents just said, if they call again, let us know. Any who, my life is average right now. My dad broke his finger with a 50 pound weight. He has a splint on right now. Here is this weird video I found off YouTube of a cat singing the "Meow Meow" song:

watch...watch... Just kiddn'

That is all the time we have for today. You can live in civillity  hope your life isn't as crazy as mine. 

Phandermonium Photography

I was just thinking how photography is so useful nowadays. I decided for this post doing a "slideshow" of how photographs describe who we are. So, takea look. See where your imagination takes you:


I call this one "Eddie's Crotch".     
Estes, alive with life

The Beatiful Views                                                                                                    HOPE YOU ENJOYED ESTES!!!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Estes Effect

So, let's do a vote. On a scale of 1-10, do you agree with me that it is very disappointing that our old Estes Park is gone. Overtime they updated Estes to become more modern. Now, that really got me to boil. I made up this silly idea with my brother that we would go around Estes and to the mangers and protest the changes they're making. Anyway, sometimes in life, I want things to NEVER change. But, as time goes on, that's how things are. All the same and all different, I am pretty thrilled that we get to go up to the mountains and make the cabin very special...Who hates change? I hate change.

Change? I hate it too Grumpy Cat. 

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Bones' Big Steps

Good afternoon, sorry I haven't blogged in a while, Now, I figured it's time to give you an update on our dog Bones. All of you have been impatiently waiting for this blog. I know. Let's get to the point.

Our dog Bones made a big adjustment this summer. Here was his "Racing Life" schedule: 
  1. Sleep on the floor of a condensed kennel alone
  2.  Wake up, slop for breakfast
  3. RACE all day
Pretty cruel right? Then, he slept in a truck all night while driving to the "Friends of Retired Greyhounds"  destination. That day, we come from Longmont to the Pet Smart in Glennwood to pick him up and take him home. Now, keep in mind, he has never had a family, seen grass, beds or anything of the sort. That is a big adjustment for him. Surprisingly, he has done completely fine. There has been a few minor incidents that are not impotent to discuss. All in all, Bones has done great. I hope you look forward to my next one.

Aww, look at this cute puppy!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Live Legacy

So, secret of life. People spend their whole lives trying to figure it out. Today was one heck of a day. So many things to do. I beleive the secret of life is what ever you make it. Look around you. You see, red orange yellow green blue purple. Colors change based on everything. Your life is full of color. So, there you have it. The secret of life. While reading this, you should feel relaxed, calm and not aware of your surroundings. Awarness is good when pressure is good. Anyway, that's what most people need to be aware of in life.

The eye is what guides awareness

Monday, July 27, 2015

Daring Dog Desision

Recently, we officially adopted our dog. Now, he has had some problems. We now are on edge if we are keeping him. No! I don't want to give him up. We are having a trainer come on ether Friday or Saturday. Hopefully he works out. I don't want him to end up like these poor dogs that were abandoned:
Stray street dogs

Stray dog on Curb
         ~ Anyway, my summer other than that has been very productive. The dog has been fine other than that. I am also excited for school to start. We also look forward to taking our dog to more and more places to explore the world. Summer has treated us well this year. ~

Friday, July 24, 2015

School Scare

So, I have had a nice summer so far but, it is almost back to school. Which means, a new class. Also, I have a new style that I can't wait to show everyone. So sorry again for the delayed blogs. I just needed a break. One thing that will be exciting in 5th grade is, Calwood. A campsite in the mountains. It's a field trip for 2 days. I get to stay in cabins with a small group of kids from my class. Anyway, It's going to be an exciting year hopefully.


Monday, June 29, 2015

Magical Memories

So, I recently have been thinking about our memories. Also, that we should always cherish them. Because, soon enough, they will slip away. I will always cherish the memory of going to Florida with my family. Just thinking about your past can make you laugh just as easily as crying. Memories make us laugh and cry, it makes us remember our past. I love having memories to remember. Great times are always in my mind.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Book Buzz

So, lately I have been catching up on reading. There are three books I got from the library that I'm going to read. They are all mystery/suspense books. I think that I will really enjoy reading them since it has taken me so long to just find one book I will actually finish this summer. Actually, the book is going pretty well so far. I am very excited for the rest of the summer and all the events happening. Also, next year. It's going to be super fun! ( I hope ). Any who, That's all I really have planned for the rest of the summer besides my dog and the 4th of July.

~ Sorry this post is so short...I might be running out of topics.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Lying About Life? (Don't)

There are many aspects of life. We all know it is very complicated. When people ask me how my life is going, I tell it to them like a story. As I like to say, " Silence is the most powerful scream". Because, that can tell you a lot about a person's life. Life is full of colors! Look around you. Everyone is always busy. Sometimes you may not think that's true. It is. Every point of your life, you're thinking. You may not realize it, but you are. So, I  have never read it, but I assumed it was about people and life. It is a book called, The Book of Life. By, Deborah Harkness. As a suggestion, check it out!!! Anyway, my summer has gone great so far. I am very eager to see my Gifted and Talented scores next year. It's so exciting. My heart is palpitating. Well, see ya...

Question Quizzing

We all have questions right? What am I going to talk about on this blog post? When am I going to start? But, It is the questions that matter more than the answers. Most of the time, your questions have the answer in it for you. This is called "wonder". We wonder just as much as we breathe. This is a chain. Wonders lead to questions, questions lead to answers. Then, it starts over again. What we also find surprising is, we think every Nano-second of our lives. No matter what, we're thinking. Pretty interesting right. At least, this is my theory. I also found out somewhere that most of the time baby and child are the ones who work the hardest to think and wonder. The whole subject is very interesting. All concluded, questions are the key to life.

Life's Moving

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Animal Addiction

So, I am very sorry for the long delay on blogs so far. I have long finished the journey of the dog. Again, we are getting a male greyhound. He should be done with training soon. Anyway, I went through the weird phase of wanting a pet I'd never get... a rat. So, I finished that phase soon after it started. Then, I went through a 3rd phase of wanting a bird. My parents said, "We've worked hard enough to get you a dog and you have had many pets in the past too that didn't work out, no bird." So, no more commentary about it. No bird it is. So, I am stuck with my same life, school. Home. People. Sammy. Ugh. Well, better make the best of it. Mom and Dad, check out this link I found on birds:


- It's a guide about every birds behavior,size,food etc. -

In conclusion, When there's something you want in life: go get it.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Facing fears

We all have to face our fears. Fears can be from bugs to songs. This post is dedicated to my mother. Down below is "Stay with Me" by: Sam Smith- Preformed by Sabrina Carpenter:


Anyway, the lesson is, no matter what your fear is, you will never get over it unless you face it. I have a plane phobia. I get afraid on planes. I have a friend who is afraid of bees. So, to get over the "fear" of Sam Smith mom, this song is for you. So, to get over your fears, face them. It's the only way to. In, conclusion, of this post, have fun this summer and take the risk to face your fears.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Rad Reviews

Lately, I have been quite judgmental about books and movies. Have you ever read the book Misfit Menagerie? It's about these animals that try to journey out of the circus. It has many aspects. So, be prepared. Yes, these all are older children's books, but we would all appreciate taking the journey back to our childhood. The next book is called Junonia. In case you don't know, Junonia is a shell. This book is wonderfully written. It is about a girl who travels to the beach and looks with her younger sister to find these beautiful shells. This story is a tad tragic but magical. You might as well check these books out and possibly read them if this is an interest to you.

This thing is weird

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Fun in Florida

Well, it's been a long time since we have talked. Very soon I will be going to Florida. We all will go to the beach and have a lot of fun. We also go to 2 theme parks. Disneyland and Universal studios.  It will be very hot there. I will need to wear shorts and drink cold drinks. It's going to be a lot of fun! How come you haven't told me about your summer? Well, go ahead. Have a good day and stay cool.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Abnormal Anna

Lately, I have been upset. Because, I am trying to take on a new personality. And style. If I don't get it exactly right, I am outta there.  So, let's just say I have a lot on my hands. But, I am super excited for, Summer and for a trip that me, my Papa and Nana are going to take to Veinna, Austria. Anyway, sorry I have not blogged ( again ) in awhile. I have news about our greyhound: There should be a new bunch of greyhounds coming in. So, we will be able to pick one in about 2 weeks. Also, my friends mom is pregnant! She already has, 4 children. This is her 5th! Crazy right? Lastly, I am testityle. But, my issue is, if I try out for a gifted and talented program at my school for writing. I will find out if I get in next year. It will be a while Anywho, life is life.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Adding Animals

Lately I have been obsessing over getting a dog. I think it's a big deal. This is now going to be the 3rd time we are getting a dog. As you know, it's a greyhound most likely a boy. Here is a great link on the place we are getting the hound: http://friendsofretiredgreyhounds.org Anyway, we are trying to come up with names. If you have any suggestions, I would be more than delighted to take them. Anywho, I am very excited. I have a very special connection with dogs and not really with any other animal. I always find that awesome! Because, I love dogs.

Although, this cat's pretty cute!

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Random day

Today I am writing about something in my life that is just random. So, let's begin. It all started when I was at my friend Harrision's house. I was sitting with his friends, Theo and a 5th grade friend of his. We were just sitting around talking about how boring our lives were. Then, at dark, we ran outside and started to play flashlight hide and seek. That one one day I will never forget. Anyway, I am glad to be here.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Summer fun

Today I've been thinking so much about summer. We are getting a dog, I've mentioned that... We also are going to Florida! We are going to the beach. I think it will be a blast. My mom is making a camp at the house for us to do called, "Camp Bassoff" it will probably be fun. Anyway, summer is always the best in my thoughts. ( probably just because it's summer break) Well, I hope to write more blogs I guess. Well, goodbye!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Why Wyoming?

Sorry I haven't blogged in awhile. I've just been so busy with other things. I just came back from Wyoming just for a fun trip. I had such a good time there. I visited some of the coolest rocks and I also visited an old prison! Wyoming is such a cool town. My Dad, brother and I went to Larimie, Wyoming since it is are Spring break. Here's a link on Larimie: http://visitlaramie.org/. I think it is so cool! Here is a picture of Larimie:

cool rocks we saw.

So, there you have it, my awesome trip to Wyoming.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Craziness Craze

Today my brother was trying to push down a tree. I couldn't take my eyes off it. No matter how hard he tried the tree did not come down. Now, he does not know how hard it is to take a picture of a buffalo. Now thats all the time we have today.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Warm Winter

This Winter has been warm mysteriously. As it usually has been, my dad and I have still been outside.
My brother has been inside and of course does not have cabin fever. My mom has still been running. More like running on ice since there is still ice on the ground. But I think I regret the fact that I buried  
the dog in the park the week before last. I found him staring at a dollar bill. That is a big mistake. Well, that is what we have banks for. Bye!
 This is the dog that I now regretted the grave I made him.

go to this link. This is the dogs friend and the graveyard where I buried the other dog.
It is depressing. ( even though it is not true anyway.)

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

School Again

It is school again and now it is already today! I am pooped with all the work that is on me right now. I
buried this dog in the park yesterday. Usually dogs are suppose to bury their bones. But, today it is different.
The dog I buried in the park yesterday.