Monday, June 22, 2015

Lying About Life? (Don't)

There are many aspects of life. We all know it is very complicated. When people ask me how my life is going, I tell it to them like a story. As I like to say, " Silence is the most powerful scream". Because, that can tell you a lot about a person's life. Life is full of colors! Look around you. Everyone is always busy. Sometimes you may not think that's true. It is. Every point of your life, you're thinking. You may not realize it, but you are. So, I  have never read it, but I assumed it was about people and life. It is a book called, The Book of Life. By, Deborah Harkness. As a suggestion, check it out!!! Anyway, my summer has gone great so far. I am very eager to see my Gifted and Talented scores next year. It's so exciting. My heart is palpitating. Well, see ya...

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