Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Abnormal Anna

Lately, I have been upset. Because, I am trying to take on a new personality. And style. If I don't get it exactly right, I am outta there.  So, let's just say I have a lot on my hands. But, I am super excited for, Summer and for a trip that me, my Papa and Nana are going to take to Veinna, Austria. Anyway, sorry I have not blogged ( again ) in awhile. I have news about our greyhound: There should be a new bunch of greyhounds coming in. So, we will be able to pick one in about 2 weeks. Also, my friends mom is pregnant! She already has, 4 children. This is her 5th! Crazy right? Lastly, I am testityle. But, my issue is, if I try out for a gifted and talented program at my school for writing. I will find out if I get in next year. It will be a while Anywho, life is life.

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