Wednesday, September 7, 2016

School Scurry

Sorry again for the inconvenience in blogging levels. School has been crazy busy and hectic. Just a brief update on how things are going right now: I am participating in volleyball after school for several reasons. One of them is to do something active. Another is to catch up to my friends since they're three years ahead of me if we are talking experience.  
     Another couple things before getting started: I'm in sixth grade now. (Middle school for our district). I haven't been able to blog because I have had so much other stuff going on with homework, etc. I am still going to keep up with blogging, but it just may not be that often.

     A whole new idea that I've thought of was starting another blog! Then again, it may be to much. I just thought of it since I saw something that caught my eye. I was thinking like a travel blog a cooking blog or an animal blog. Then again, it may turn out to be something completely different.

     Just to wrap it up, I hope I can keep up blogging and manage all the other things I'm juggling right now. Thanks fro understanding! I hope to blog again soon!

This is how I feel right now!


  1. You are a busy young person, dear Anna! But all tha is good and necessary and part of life. Some of it is probably also a lot of fun! Certainly write, write, and more write is always right! You come from a couple generations of writers, so wanting to write is within you. Go,ahead and let it out! Love from your cousin, Miki!

  2. Blogging, I think, helps you clarify your thoughts and feelings, the way keeping a journal does -- but with the added advantage that those who love you can contribute to the process. We accept whatever quandaries you discuss, enjoy your successes, and don't judge you.
