Saturday, March 12, 2016

Amazing Anna

Over the years, I have developed an interesting style. Not one you would see on the streets on a daily basis. One that fits my personality and mood and of course a style that's different from most people like me.  I want to expand that style so that I can be who I want to be.
     I am the type of kid who enjoys flannel, worded shirts and other clothing like that. Again, most people my age and gender won't wear clothing quite like I do.
     Then, that ties in to my personality. My friends tell me all the time, I'm too dark, too picky in terms of games to play, too "boyish" and that I never seem to be happy. I for sure am not the happiest kid in the world, and not the most colorful stand-out person, but that's what makes me, me. I don't honestly care what others think of me, I think that I am an "Amazing Anna".
     I also take a big load of time to myself. The way I cool down is by myself.
     Nobody understands me. That is why I am quite misunderstood and sometimes compare myself to a lone wolf, (witch I am) hanging out by myself and doing things by myself.
     But always I know I will be an: AMAZING ANNA

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