Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Live Legacy

So, secret of life. People spend their whole lives trying to figure it out. Today was one heck of a day. So many things to do. I beleive the secret of life is what ever you make it. Look around you. You see, red orange yellow green blue purple. Colors change based on everything. Your life is full of color. So, there you have it. The secret of life. While reading this, you should feel relaxed, calm and not aware of your surroundings. Awarness is good when pressure is good. Anyway, that's what most people need to be aware of in life.

The eye is what guides awareness

Monday, July 27, 2015

Daring Dog Desision

Recently, we officially adopted our dog. Now, he has had some problems. We now are on edge if we are keeping him. No! I don't want to give him up. We are having a trainer come on ether Friday or Saturday. Hopefully he works out. I don't want him to end up like these poor dogs that were abandoned:
Stray street dogs

Stray dog on Curb
         ~ Anyway, my summer other than that has been very productive. The dog has been fine other than that. I am also excited for school to start. We also look forward to taking our dog to more and more places to explore the world. Summer has treated us well this year. ~

Friday, July 24, 2015

School Scare

So, I have had a nice summer so far but, it is almost back to school. Which means, a new class. Also, I have a new style that I can't wait to show everyone. So sorry again for the delayed blogs. I just needed a break. One thing that will be exciting in 5th grade is, Calwood. A campsite in the mountains. It's a field trip for 2 days. I get to stay in cabins with a small group of kids from my class. Anyway, It's going to be an exciting year hopefully.