Monday, January 19, 2015

Warm Winter

This Winter has been warm mysteriously. As it usually has been, my dad and I have still been outside.
My brother has been inside and of course does not have cabin fever. My mom has still been running. More like running on ice since there is still ice on the ground. But I think I regret the fact that I buried  
the dog in the park the week before last. I found him staring at a dollar bill. That is a big mistake. Well, that is what we have banks for. Bye!
 This is the dog that I now regretted the grave I made him.

go to this link. This is the dogs friend and the graveyard where I buried the other dog.
It is depressing. ( even though it is not true anyway.)

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

School Again

It is school again and now it is already today! I am pooped with all the work that is on me right now. I
buried this dog in the park yesterday. Usually dogs are suppose to bury their bones. But, today it is different.
The dog I buried in the park yesterday.